Azur Indian Music Project

My photo
San Jose, San Jose, Costa Rica
Welcome to our music for development space where we will try to keep our friends updated on Azur Indian's latests. We also hope to engage actively with other musicians and anyone who is interested in development issues in general to hopefully reach higher grounds. So please, post your comments and share your thoughts with us! Azur Indian(アズール・インディアン)のブログへようこそ!このページでは私たちの活動をご紹介していくほか、音楽に興味がある方、国際協力・開発に興味がある方との交流の場を作っていければと考えています。みなさんの思いやコメントをこの場でぜひ共有してください!

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Our practise room in Niigata

Our practice room is in somewhere in fact it's right in the centre, 3 stories house. On the first floor, there is a huge music room equipped with the piano (Kawai fluegel), the electric piano, the organ, the cello....countless of music pieces and tectbooks! This room belongs to a lady, Ms. Sawada who is in her 90's and still actively involved in music activity such as conducting choir, teaching the piano lesson, accompanying with the orgen at a church and so on!

What is the connection between her and us.....?

It was on one night in the summer time, one of my friend: Shoko, who worked in Tokyo came back to Niigata. It was after a few months we saw each other last time, so we decided to gather again with some other friends at a Yakitori bar (a Japanese style bar). While we were enjoying Yakitori (grilled chicken), Antarqui and I happened to talk about our music project plan. She looked a little surprised, and told us excitedly that she had a good place for us to practice for free and even lending the cello! That turned to be her parents' house....! And the onwer of the music room was her grandmom.

Since Shoko had to go back to Tokyo soon, we went to visit her parents without her with a bit of anxiety.... simply because we didn't know her parents!

My concern was soon melted, as Shoko's parents warmly welcomed us. Her father presented his cello to Antarqui, and kindly let him play it. How kind he is! If one takes care of a musical instrument, they normally don't want to let others play or even touch it! So, we could feel that he trusted Antarqui. It was also the best coincidence, because we were looking for a real cello at that time since Antarqui only had an electric one and needed a real one for music events.

We played some music for them using newly lent cello and Kawai piano.

Shoko's mom was also very very sweet......she thought we were hungry so prepared some snacks and plus very very good red wine! After all, we drunk all together and chatted until late :))

Entry: Midori

私たちが普段練習をさせていただいているところ・・・・そこは新潟市内にある、とあるお屋敷。そこには90代になられる大御所の音楽の先生がおられ、30 人以上入りそうな音楽室にはグランドピアノ、電子ピアノ、オルガン、チェロ、そして多数の楽譜や音楽関係の書籍・・・・大御所先生は今でも現役でいらし て、合唱指導、指揮、ピアノなどを教えていらっしゃるのです。






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