Azur Indian Music Project

My photo
San Jose, San Jose, Costa Rica
Welcome to our music for development space where we will try to keep our friends updated on Azur Indian's latests. We also hope to engage actively with other musicians and anyone who is interested in development issues in general to hopefully reach higher grounds. So please, post your comments and share your thoughts with us! Azur Indian(アズール・インディアン)のブログへようこそ!このページでは私たちの活動をご紹介していくほか、音楽に興味がある方、国際協力・開発に興味がある方との交流の場を作っていければと考えています。みなさんの思いやコメントをこの場でぜひ共有してください!

Monday, 22 February 2010

Repertoires that I want to try

1. Schumann, Fantasy Pieces 2nd movement

2. Franck, Cello sonata A-dur 4th movement

Both pieces are played by Jacqueline Du Pre who was an English Cellist. Her talent bloomed when she was very young, however; she has past away when she was 42 years old. Her Stradivarius was inherited by Yoyo Ma later years.

For any musical instruments, if it is a quality one, the price comes along with it....! Or is it vice versa like expensive instruments makes quality sound?? Anyhow, Stradivarius must be with so many many many zeros on its price :))

String instruments always captures my inspiration and makes me feel like playing immedietly whenever I see. Then I always start playing it when I get this feeling, but the problem is my skill.....I cannot make beautiful sound at all!!!

When I was assigned to work in Zimbabwe in 2004, I bought a violin and brought it with me, because technically taking my piano was impossible :)). It is indeed easy to take to everywhere and I really appreciated during 2 years of my stay there.

I have always loved the violin since around 8 years old if I was not wrong, I would ask my mom to take me to violin lesson. I was already learning piano at that time, so my sister was taken to violin lesson instead :(.

I finally managed to start leaning the violin when I was 12 at junior high school. We had music class focusing on strings, and at the end of the year, we presented what we learnt in the graduation ceremony. I kept learning the violin in the following years in the same school and chose it as the second instrument in the university. But I had to admit that I started it too late. It's a little sad that I still haven't obtained natural playing posture regardless to the years of learning!

Suddenly AJ gave me a new violin for my birthday, and it was such a nice one for my level! Not only the violin itself, but also changed he to good strings. This encouraged me and made my motivation at the highest level and put myself to practice the violin more! So, now all I have to become is.....just to be good! The meister from a violin atelier we visited told me some tips when playing.

To talk to the violin gently "make a beautiful sound"....... :))
My favourite Vienna from a mountain♪


1. Schumann, Fantasy Pieces 2nd movement

2. Franck, Cello sonata A-dur 4th movement
(フランク作曲、チェロソナタ ロ長調第4楽章)

ここに載せた2つの映像はJacqueline Du Preが演奏しているもの。熱がこもった演奏が印象的です。ジャックリーンは幼いころからその才能を開花させたのですが、残念ながら病気のため42歳でこの世を去っています。ジャックリーンが使っていたストラディバリウスは後にヨーヨーマが使っているんですね!(Jacqueline Du Pre)



(珍しく二人で弦を弾いているところ@open mic)


Entry: Midori

Niigata international film festival 14 Feb '10 にいがた国際映画祭 

Niigata city's annual event "Niigata International Film Festival". This event brings interesting movie from all over the world, particularly from Asia region every year, and lasts for one week. And they have 20th anniversary this year! Congratulations!!

This event is organised by citizen volunteer, funded by the Niigata city. I can imagine how hard it is to organise such an event working together with all the involved people. Furthermore, it has lasted for 20 years, there must have been people's hard work, cooperation and struggling behind. However, the reason it lasts for so long is that people involved are enjoying all the process. It surely is a great event in terms of synthesising people and city.

We were honoured to be able to play in such a prominent event! The theme for this year was "Popular cinema music from 80's to 90's". Therefore our repertoires corresponded the request from the volunteer committee regarding this theme.

1、Unchained melody from Movie "Ghost".
2、Pretty Woman from Movie "Pretty Woman".
3、Shounen Jidai (=Boyhood) from Movie "Shounen jidai".
4、Manatsu no Kajitu (=Fruit in summertime) from Movie "Inamura Jane"
The event started with Shim san's (Niigata city's Korean translator from Pusan) leggiero MC, first Shim san introduced himself in Korean, Antarqui did it in Spanish, and I did it in Shona (the main language of Zimbabwe) which we surprised audiences. We could see many people from the stage including a lot of our friends! This really made me feel that our activity is supported by many many good friends.

This event was particularly important for Azur Indian as well, as it was officially going to be the last performance in Niigata. I really liked the 4th piece which was "Manatsu no Kajitsu (Fruit in summertime) because of the beautiful accompaniment line even for the piano part. As for the cello, it usually takes the role of melody line (which I envy!), but it usually does not happen to the piano when it comes to "accompaniment" not piano solo. So, I sometimes make a trick for my satisfaction when I do arrangements, I make piano part more melodic and insert a lot of accompaniment of the cello for the piano melody ;)). Did you notice?? Unfortunately I didn't do that for this event...

I came to Niigata from Sendai this time, because I already moved back to Sendai in December. This place has indeed become my second home and probably I will hold this special "LOVE" forever♪ It was very funny that my feet automatically headed to my old flat after getting off the bus or I bumped into friends on the bridge.... :)) Everything made me feel that I was home, but actually it was not anymore. Life always goes on like this, maybe it's needed when you wanna get something new in your life. It is a little melancholic, but this might be what everyone experiences more or less in order to move on.

From April on, I will move to Manila and afterwards to Costa Rica to do Master's degree in Peace Building at University for Peace ( My main focus will be Peace Making through Music. As for Antarqui, he remains in Niigata and continue this music project. If you have any request, please get in touch with him! The contact e-mail also does not change

Entry: Midori(partially AJ)


1、アンチェインドメロディー (映画「ゴースト」より)
3、少年時代 (映画「少年時代」より)
4、真夏の果実 (映画「稲村ジェーン」より)

Thank you for the post Mi! Sorry to cut off here but, I wanted to include the video for that event also. I hope the transitions from the excerpts included in the video are to people's liking. (stay tuned, since at the end of it there's a small interview about us)



今回、わたしは仙台からの遠征でしたが、新潟が第2の故郷になっていることを実感(笑)。バスセンターに到着して万代橋を渡り始めたところで自転車に乗った友達に出くわすわ、そのあと無意識に自分の前の住処に向かっているわ・・・・そして友達・知り合いたち。雪がまだまだ残り天気も悪かったですが(コンサート当日はなんと珍しく晴れていました!)私の心はほかほかでした。 「ありがとう、新潟!!!」

私は4月から国連平和大学修士課程に進学予定で日本を離れますが、アンタルキは新潟に残り演奏活動を続けます。演奏する機会などありましたが、ぜひお声がけ宜しくお願いします。連絡先は変わらず です。
