Azur Indian Music Project

My photo
San Jose, San Jose, Costa Rica
Welcome to our music for development space where we will try to keep our friends updated on Azur Indian's latests. We also hope to engage actively with other musicians and anyone who is interested in development issues in general to hopefully reach higher grounds. So please, post your comments and share your thoughts with us! Azur Indian(アズール・インディアン)のブログへようこそ!このページでは私たちの活動をご紹介していくほか、音楽に興味がある方、国際協力・開発に興味がある方との交流の場を作っていければと考えています。みなさんの思いやコメントをこの場でぜひ共有してください!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Classical Duo Azur Indian: From Japan to Costa Rica

Friday, 14 October. 19:30-20:30
The theatre "La Palestra" Ciudad Colon.
(Next to the main church)

A one hour presentation of classical tunes, taking you from Japan, making our way through different places of our favorite composers till we end up in Costa Rica.

This is Azur Indian's last presentation since Midori's moving from Costa Rica, and it represents the culmination of Midori's Masters program at UPEACE.

The entrance is 1,000 colones which becomes maintenance budget for the theatre.

Join our concert that we are making for our friends in the renovated theater of La Palestra!!

Music is passion, live life with passion.

Azur Indian.

Viernes, 14 de octubre · 19:30 - 20:30
Teatro La Palestra, Ciudad Colón
(Boulevard principal, entre La Iglesia de Ciudad Colón y El Centro Cantonal de Cultura de Mora)

Una presentaciónde una hora con piezas clasicas, haciendo un recorrido desde Japón, pasando por los diferentes lugares de nuestros compositores favoritos hasta llegar a Costa Rica.

Este es la última presentación de Azur Indian ya que Midori se nos va de Costa Rica, además representa la culminación de sus estudios de posgrado en la Universidad para la Paz.

La entrada es de 1.000 colones que se convierte en presupuesto de mantenimiento para el teatro.

Acompañanos en un concierto para nuestros amigos en el renovado teatro de La Palestra!!

La música es pasión, vive la vida con pasión.

Azur Indian

III Festival Internacional de Musica de Camara, 7 October, 2011

On 7 October, two days after the first conert, James and I did violin and piano duet concert.

We played;
Haendel Violin Sonata A-dur,
Mozart Violin Sonata e-moll,
Kreisler Schoen Rosemarin, 
Kreisler Liebeslei, and
Kreisler Tempo de Minuet.

The audiences were not only from Ciudad Colon but San Jose or other places in Costa Rica. There were also many students coming from the University for Peace. Thank you for all coming!!

More music are coming online in a couple of days!

III Festival Internacional de Musica de Camara, 5 October, 2011

Centro Canton de Cultura (CCC), my internship host organisation held an international chamber music week from 5 to 8 October, 2011.

We welcomed James Greening-Valenzuela, a talented and brilliant violinist from San Francisco and started our chamber week with Vivaldi Four Seasons.

Youth orchestra together with Sergio Nunes, cellist and the director of CC and myself (piano) accompanied James´­ beautiful tune from his violin. 

Verano (Summer)

Invierno (Winter)

More are coming soon!

Sunday 4 September 2011

Costa Rica 4: General Information about Indigenous Issues

The general understanding of indigenous people in Costa Rica in the pre-colonial time, the most of the population belonged to Chibchan language family (Fonseca and Cooke as sited in RefWorld, 2008), such as Huetar, Cabacar and Bri Bri. It is suggested by the recent linguistic and genetic data that the occupation of Chibchan language family had lasted at least for ten thousand years. Because invasion of Mexican natives who were Nahuat-speaking to the northern Pacific region did not start until 900 BCE (RefWorld, 2008,

New diseases were brought by the Spain in 16th century when colonisation started that killed many indigenous population. Not only diseases, but also a system of slavery and mistreatment made indigenous population decreased on a big scale. This resulted for those people in moving into mountains in the southern part of the country: Talamanca region. Current indigenous population such as Cabecar and Boruca mainly live in Talamanca still and its number is estimated approximately 70,000 by the indigenous NGOs and 30,000 by the ILO. Its population consists of one per cent of the county and the total amount of Indian reserves are twenty two, and there are eight Indian groups. Mostly Maleku, Guaymi, Cabacar and Bri Bri are spoken.
In terms of Afro Costa Ricans, the first group was taken by the Spanish colonists as slaves from African continent, and then these population synthesised with local people. The second tide arrived around 1890s as Caribbean migrant workers who contributed to construct the railway and work in the banana plantation. Current Afro Costa Ricans mainly inhabit in province of Limon on the Caribbean coast and its population comprises with two per cent of the total population of Costa Rica. In 1949, Afro-Costa Ricans obtained full citizenship, while it was only early 1990s for many indigenous people. Afro Costa Ricans and the indigenous people have been always marginalised in spite of forward-moving policy making regarding minorities.
Indigenous movement in Costa Rica has warmed up relatively recent in the 1980s by the activated Minority and Indigenous NGOs. According to NGOs survey, yet 73 percent of indigenous people in the country live in distant areas where health, education, electricity and water services are lacking. Only 27 percent of the population is benefiting adequate housing (RefWorld, 2008).
In accordance with Convention ILO 169, the Legislative Assembly started working on a draft act that wiould directly influence on renew version of Indigenous Act. To do so, the draft committee consulted indigenous leaders in order to insert their voice into the draft which consists of fifty-one articles. The committee also planned to replace the name of the reservations as territories, since the used term means isolation. Despite these efforts, the process of legislation delayed, and in 2008, there was a complaint made by the indigenous group in province of Puntarenas in regard to the lacking consultation for the plans of the El Diquis hydro-electric project in the traditional territory due to the possibility of flood (RefWorld, 2008,

Costa Rica 3: Brief History

In Pre-Colombian era, present domain of Costa Rica was between Mesoamerican and Andean civilisation and that let the domain be "Intermediate Area". In the sixteenth century, Spanish conquerors arrived, and they first influenced the central and southern part of the current Costa Rican domain. At that time, a large number of indigenous people died from diseases that did not exist in Latin America. Therefore, indigenous culture is influencing modern culture of today's Costa Rica on a small scale.

In 1502, Christopher Columbus reached the eastern coast of Costa Rica and then it became to be colonised by Spain. Followed by conquerors, Spanish settlers came and remained there. Costa Rica became part of the Captaincy General of Guatemala, under the viceroyalty of New Spain. Gradually, Costa Rica became isolated and poor in the Spanish Empire because of Spanish law which prohibits trade with its southern neighbour Panama. In addition to that the land of Costa Rica was poor in natural resources such as gold and silver; therefore, indigenous population that was forced to be labour small compared with other Latin American countries. This situation let Costa Rica rather autonomous and individualistic society.
     Costa Rica became independent from Spanish Empire in 1821 with other Central American countries, and became a part of the Federal Republic of Central America. In spite of newly independent provinces within Federation, border disputes soon broke out. Costa Rica was not an exception, she faced a dispute with Nicaragua over northern Guanacaste Province.
     In terms of economy, Costa Rica shifted to produce coffee to obtain benefits from selling it to Europe. Until Panama Canal was opened, it had a critical problem of transportation; however by construction of the Canal, it made it possible to open a better trade route.

In 1856, an American filibuster, William Walker who first landed in Nicaragua and proclaimed as a president of Nicaragua invaded the territory of Costa Rica that let both countries be into a war. After all, Costa Rica let by the president and Commander of Chief of the Army of Costa Rica successfully pushed Nicaragua let by Walker to the border: Rivas, Nicaragua.
In 1889, the first free and honest election was executed that contributed for maintaining peaceful democracy for a while. In spite of experiencing continuous disputes and violence taking place in Central America, Costa Rica still maintained relatively peaceful era, the only exceptions were the era of Federico Tinoco Granados in 1917-19 and the era of José Figueres Ferrer in 1948. In terms of José Figueres Ferrer, he conducted 44-day Civil War and that resulted in 2,000 casualties. After 44-day, Figueres group drafted a constitution specifying free election with universal suffrage and the abolition of the military that made Figueres a national hero. Later he won a presidential election in 1953. He contributed to the country to be famous on non-armed country worldwide still now.
In the current era, Costa Rica relies on two economic pillars: technology and eco-tourism. Such internationally famous companies as Microsoft, Motorola or Inter have operations in the country, and local companies produce computer related products and software. In terms of tourism, it is said that the income from this sector will contribute a big portion of her GDP quite soon since Costa Rica has a enormous capacity on this industry. Besides, the permanent stability of the country also influences and encourage travelers to decided Costa Rica for their destination. Aside from above two pillars, traditional agriculture dealing with coffee and bananas in particular, is consistently contributes county's income to export those products.

Costa Rica 2: Religion

According to a national survey conducted by University of Costa Rica in 2007, 75.5 percent of the population define themselves as Roman Catholics (44.9 percent are practicing, 25.6 percent are non-practicing), apart from it, Evangelical Protestant are 13.8 percent, Non-Religious are 11.3 percent.

"Catholic, Apostolic, and Romanic Religion is the official religion of the Republic"; it is specified in the Article 75 of the Costa Rican Constitution. On the other hand, the country also respects freedom of religion that is written in the same article. Since Catholic is recognised as a state religion by the constitution, it has a strong influence on politics and economy (University of Costa Rica, 2007,

Aside from the dominant influence of Catholic church, Costa Rica also holds Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal, Baptist and some other Protestant groups as well as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists. Regarding non Christian religion, there are Judaism, Islam, Taoism, Hare Krishna, Scientology, Tenrikyo as well as animism believed by indigenous people (University of Costa Rica, 2007,

(Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles, in Cartago in November 2010)

Costa Rica 1: Language, Culture and Music

Costa Rica's primary language is Spanish. Aside from it, indigenous people speak their own languages such as "Bribri", "Maléku", "Cabécar" and Ngäbere languages. Some indigenous languages have several thousands speakers while others such as "Teribe" and "Boruca" have hundreds. Jamaican Patois of Creole-English is spoken in the Caribbean coast (Native Languages of the Americas website, 1998, 
Costa rica's culture is basically influenced by Spain and recent years by United States. The most typical and the most frequently used Costa Rican word could be "pura vida (pure life)". It was first used after the release of a Mexican movie titled "pura vida" , it is now widely used for greetings and farewell. This word best shows the spirit of Costa Ricans in presenting a "philosophy of strong community, perseverance, resilience in overcoming difficulties with good spirits, enjoying life slowly, and celebrating good fortune of magnitudes small and large alike" (National Motto, 1996,
Regarding Costa Rican folk music, since Caribbean side has African descendent population, it also influences strongly on music. Likewise other part of Central America, marimba is popular and widely used in their traditional music. Pre-Colombian era also has an effect on traditional music in terms of "rare music scales", "certain ceremonial songs" and "ocarinas". In the Guanacaste region is the origin of these music. Ocarina is an ancient traditional instrument, and recent years, accordions and guitars are getting more used (Wikipedia, 2011). African influenced music is found in Atlantic coast. (

 (Beautiful Quetzal in El Mirador de Quetzales in February 2011)

Internship 2: The target indigenous reserve "Quitirrisi"

My research area is the Quitirrisi reserve in Canton de Mora. 

I belong to el Cantonal Centre de Cultura de Mora (CCC) to do this research and internship since it is located in the same canton as the Quitirrisi reserve and the organisation includes indigenous culture and music in their project as well.
As the map below shows, there are 22 indigenous reserves in Costa Rica. And the reserve Quitirrisi is located near the capital San Jose (see No. 3). 

(From Horizontes Nature Tour Costa Rica

The name of the reserve: Quitirrisi
The name of the target group: Huetar   
Main Industry: Handicrafts with local plants.
Language: Spanish.
Land: 2,000 hectares in Canton de Mora, San José Province, central region was given in  1976.
People: mostly Huetar people together with other immigrants (also in neaby big city Puriscal). 400 children and young people, going to local-only school, foodball in mud land.
-Unemployment due to no industry around there. 
-Poor land to cultivate as well. 
-Many people migrate to the city to have stable life. Aside from that, many people travel to San Jose to work. 
-To maintain an oral history and pass the traditions of their indigenous ancestors to the new generations.
-Lands are not well constructed, for example landlides occurred in 2010.
Key People: community leaders and teachers in the community working hard to educate the children of Quitirrisí to respect and preserve their cultural traditions.

Quitirrisí is a rural community located in Canton de Mora, San José Province, central region. Its name comes from two well-known trees in the area; Quitirrí, that blooms once a year in the mountains of this community, and Risi, equally common in the local flora.

In this region, 1,500 different groups settled with various socio-cultural features, some are farmers and others are recognised as the descendants of indigenous or native peoples. Especially the huetares, one of the indigenous groups established in the region long before the arrival and the process of conquest by Spain.

Quitirrisí is legally recognized by the Costa Rican government as an indigenous territory, where a group of people claiming that their origin is Huetar. The main and their traditional industry is making handicrafts with local plants. The indigenous language was left to speak for two centuries, the result of the process of Western domination; particularly, the Spanish conquest, which used a variety of mechanisms to disrupt and fragment the world of Huetar culture.

Today, it is recognised that the effort of some of its inhabitants reclaiming the roots of their culture as Huetar; obviously, it seeks for coexistance with patterns and elements of Western society in Costa Rica. In some mountains, plants and animals keep names linked to the Huetar language still such as names of ancient chieftains.      

1976 is remembered as a turning point because the indigenous territory was created by the government. It was then the territory of 2,000 hectares was assigned to the people of this cultural group. But the land was actually deforested and eroded.

Although this area has been exclusively for use of indigenous peoples, it is also inhabited by immigrants from other regions of central Mexico. Especially in the canton of Mora and Puriscal, those immigrants have a strong presence in central rural culture of Costa Rica. Regarding the minority population, it is estimated that about 400 children and young people that live in this community, scattered in different neighborhoods distant from each other. They congregate especially near "local-only" school. For school-age population, they practice football in a "mud pasture".

Quitirrisí is a humble community but the large number of population are facing being poor, since there is no opportunities for being employed in the area. The poor condition of the land prevents from having sustainable agricultural for those people. A little care with the social policies conducted by the government could offer real alternatives for local growth. The current situation unless it changes, a high instability for the people will last and at the end that promotes those people to migrate to the city or at least commute every day to work from distant and unstable area of indigenous people.

Internship 1. The aim of the internship.

As some of last entries mentioned, I am currently working on indigenous music for the awareness of their human rights through music.

In many countries, similar trend is occurring especially when young generations are moving out from their own village to urban areas to look for better life opportunities. In this process, traditional music is not just loosing the ones who inherit and convey to generations to enerations, moreover disrespecting their own culture because people tend to admire urbanised" rather than their own traditional one without thinking. 
As known, music is not the only subject that this phenomena is affecting, but development in general encompasses the same tendency because this term "development" is believed to be free marketisation and urbanisation. There, problem of "framing" is located, we all are blindly perceiving these elements as criteria of development; however, marketisation and urbanisation cannot be the only solutions; particularly for those of who were born in remote areas where it has a fascinating cultural heritage. They do not always have to sacrifice their culture in the name of "development" if there is a way to change the mindset of current trends in terms of development and to realise encouraging and empowering with what already exists such as traditional culture often found in remote areas. That can also be the means of development. 
Another problem can be found where minority's human rights are marginalised by the majority in the name of development. To tackle this issue, many county legislated law regarding protection of indigenous people; thus, repossessing tangible heritage such as regaining their traditional domains which were taken by majorities are being completed little by litte. However, the protection of intangible cultural heritage is not widely observed and is not often treated equally as other aspects.  
In this light, there needs to be implemented the system for minorities to protect intangible cultural heritage not to be victimised by the current trend of development as in marketisation, urbanisation as well as human rights issues. My internship will focus on establishing the system mentioned above through promoting "intangible cultural heritage"of indigenous group of people. 
In order to work towards the given issues, following can be focal points;  
1. To foster mindset of respecting indigenous people's culture as a right to possess and to nurture in order not to be marginalised;
2. To find the way to raise indigenous people's income;
3. To encourage younger generations to easily inherit and convey to next generations;
4. To diffuse information and situation it domestically and internationally to further expand
    respect for their human rights.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

What's new about Azur Indian?

Since last October, we have been struggling to seek for how to shift our music project for the setting of aid recipient county such as Costa Rica due to re-location of the project from Japan to there and re-transformation of the its schemes.

And finally we reached a point where we found our focus shifting towards protecting minority's rights through form of art.

From the perspective of peace studies and development, there are still many issues regarding abuse of human rights. Minorities such as foreign-descendant group and indigenous group can be the victims of its abuse of rights in many cases. Most of the times, their rights are vulnerable and put aside, that has to always depend on the decision made by majorities. Thus, in order to make their livelihood better, there needs from legislation by the authority to grass-root support or raising awareness by ordinal majority citizens.

To tackle this given issue, our focus will be set towards protection of indigenous intangible cultural asset: music in order to raise awareness on this issue. It needs both top down and bottom up strategy, and since we are doing grass-root activity, we will take bottom up task in this regard.

In order to make an intangible asset visible and preserve it, it first needs a way to be seen as a tangible way like transcription of their music in order to
1. preserve
2. disseminate to generation to generation as well as other entities or individuals who are willing to be involved to play their music.
Therefore, first we will work on transcription then disseminate it to general citizens through our performance as well as the means of social media.

We will keep updating in this blog, so please check it out!
Currently, I (Midori) am back in Manila to continue the rest of the courses for master's degree.

I will come back to Costa Rica in the beginning of July then start internship working for above indigenous issues through music.

I am looking forward to seeing you all again in Costa Rica!

Pura vida para todos!

Entry : Midori

Friday 6 May 2011

Thank you very much for coming to our charity concert 31 March, 2011

Thank you very much for all coming to our Charity concert held on the 31st March. Supported by Nelly and Club Union, we successfully conducted a concert with don Oscar.

The programme was divided into two parts; the first part was classical music and the second part was full of tango with don Oscar.

As for the first part, it was enjoyable as usual to play especially both of Antarqui and I are more and more used to play these pieces. I feel that we are getting more capable to insert our own understanding to the performance.

As for the second part, it was a new fresh experiment in terms of playing tango with someone else! Don Oscar is a distinguish bandounion player. We had a lot to learn from him from tango perspective of playing music.
(Bandounion and Cello duet)

This charity concert was initially to raise fund for kids victims of violence in Costa Rica; however Japan was affected by catastrophic disaster recently, we also asked audiences to support Japan.
(The performance with don Oscar was really new to us. I fell in love with Tango!)
Thanks to all the warm support, we collected extra US$200 to donate to a grass root support group "Oga for Aid" that is helping people in isolated areas in Miyagi prefecture, Japan where I (Midori) come from. See this :!/OGAFORAID

I just hope that we can rebuild our country as soon as possible as well as caring for psychologically affected victims. I hope Azur Indian will have a chance to perform for those people in the near future.
(Just before the concert started...are we both nervous a bit??)

The concert was truly enjoyable to have our friends and family. Some people started dancing, some started crying for nostalgie, some fell in love with tango!

Thank you again for all to share this memorable moment with us!
We hope to see you all in near future!

Thank you all for coming!

Sunday 1 May 2011

University for Peace Model UN Closing Ceremony 5 March, 2011

Three-day Model UN was held at University for Peace. During these days, we acted as if we were in a real UN committee. I myself was a bloger, so I was attending 5 conferences (Security Council, UN Women, Peace Building, Environment, Human Rights) taking pictures and writing articles.

At the end of 3-day, Azur Indian was given a chance to play music at the closing ceremony to congratulate our success and participants' effort. Thanks for UPMUNC committee to have given us a chance!

This time we played with a violinist Sara Ford (IPS student) for the second time (see entry  "University for Peace 30th Anniversary" which was the first time to play with Sara and Azur Indian) played various kind of music, from classic to Costa Rican ones.

Applause for everyone who participated in UPMUNC! And great thanks for the committee!

Azur Indian 2010 to 2011

Time flies! 2010 had passed by so quickly and 2011 has arrived. 2010 was chellanging year and brought many new things to Azur Indian! So let me recall and share what we have achieved and what we will focus in 2011.

March 2010, I (Midori) left Japan and started master's degree in Manila and Costa Rica. Antarqui later came back to Costa Rica, so we moved the base of our music project from Niigata, Japan to Costa Rica in September.

As for the content of project, it aimed to promote "Understanding Different Culture" through world music appreciation when we worked in Niigata. It consisted of talk part (mainly about Africa and Central America) and music part (Classic Music, Tango, Jazz and so forth according to request we receive).

The programme conducted in Niigata was formed and targeted Japanese citizens to promote their knowledge of other countries; however this did not directly apply to the setting of Costa Rica when we thought about doing it here.Therefore, we started looking into what and how we can re-form our project to adjust the current setting of Costa Rica. 

Finally we reached to a new idea for the next phase, focusing on indigenous/ethnic music of Costa Rica. This aims to empower indigenous group of people through form of music. First we will focus on Costa Rican ones, hopefully expand our focus to Central America, South America later, and  after that covering many kind of ethnic music from all over the world as much as we can.

Through this project, we aim to contribute international development focusing on intangible cultural heritage such as extinguishing indigenous culture through for of music, precise transcribing their music to preserve. 

If music is transcribed, it can easily encourage any people to play including people in endangered culture since their common problem in terms of preservation of culture faces how to convey it to the next generations.Therefore, making endangered culture visible is significant.
Besides the new project, we will continuously work on what we have been doing; performing, teaching, supporting music in any ways.

2011 is the third year since we started Azur Indian in Niigata, Japan. We are hopeful for the success of our new project. Moreover, I personally hope to encourage Japanese people who were victimised by the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake; particularly because I come from the devastated area.

As we both believe that music itself is directly connected to development; therefore it can form the staring point and platform for development. Needless to say, what we expect for the next step for Japan is to rebuild and develop the country again. In this sense, I hope to contribute my country and my loved people through form of music for their great effort that are being made on the ground even at this moment. 
Entry : Midori

Christmas Concert 24 December 2010

I know it is too late to talk about the Christmas since it has been over 4 months since then...but please allow me to write about it since I want to keep record....

On the Christmas day, we played at Romero's Christmas party held at Daniel and Huri's house. There were over 30 people invited to the party, the house was beautifully decorated, Dani and Huri welcomed everyone with good food and drinks.

We happily presented what our focus for our the music project will be to everyone attended there, in which  we will work on indigenous/ethnic music. Then we played 4 pieces starting by Swan, then Humoresque, Elegie and Libertango.

It was very special for me to play at Christimas in Central America because the day was very different from my country. It was truly much more holy and religious.

(Entry : Midori)

Sunday 27 March 2011

Classic and Tango Charity Concert on the 31st March at Club Union

There will be a charity concert on the 9th March at Club Union in San Jose!

Azur Indian will play for children who are fighting for cancer.
It consists of classic and tango music.

When: 31 March
What time: 7:00pm
How much: 10,000 colones
Where: Club Union (It's in centro of San Jose, about 15mins walk from Coca Cola bus station)

View Larger Map

The first part will be classical music and the second part will be tango featured by Don Oscar!

Don Oscar is an amazing tango music player, plays saxophone and bandoneon ( He is not just a music player but also a diplomat worked as a Costa Rican ambassador for Argentina.

We went to his tango concert the other day, and we are excited about being given a chance to play with Don Oscar, such a prominent Costa Rican tango music player.

It is grateful that Club Union gave us such a chance to play for children. We are glad that the donation coming from our music can contribute those brave children.

Entry : Midori

Saturday 19 February 2011

POSTPONED! Classic and Tango Charity Concert on the 9th March at Club Union

This event has been POSTPONED!
We will let you know as soon as the schedule is settled.
We are so sorry for inconvenience.

There will be a charity concert on the 9th March at Club Union in San Jose!

Azur Indian will play for children who are fighting for cancer.
It consists of classic and tango music.

When: 9 March
What time: 7:00pm
How much: 10,000 colones
Where: Club Union (It's in centro of San Jose, about 15mins walk from Coca Cola bus station)

View Larger Map

The first part will be classical music and the second part will be tango featured by Don Oscar!

Don Oscar is an amazing tango music player, plays saxophone and bandoneon ( He is not just a music player but also a diplomat worked as a Costa Rican ambassador for Argentina.

We went to his tango concert the other day, and we are excited about being given a chance to play with Don Oscar, such a prominent Costa Rican tango music player.

It is grateful that Club Union gave us such a chance to play for children. We are glad that the donation coming from our music can contribute those brave children.

Club Union

Monday 31 January 2011

New composition for the school project 18 November 2010

I worked on this composition as a part of my class project, "Costa Rica Landslide Awarenss Project" and it was the first time make a serious composition after almost 20 years (if I remember correctly)! .

To explain a bit about the background why the idea of composition popped up, there was a severe landslide occured in Escazu, Costa Rica (near its capital San Jose) in early November and that killed 28 people, 4,900 people were displaced.

The class decided to cover this natural disaster with the means of media, since we major in Media and Conflict Studies. We already have quite a few people in our class who used to work as a journalists, and they all showed their professionalism which really impressed me. That made me think that I also would like to contribute this project with my profession.

This is the consequesnce of our class project on the "Costa Rica Landslide Awareness Project", please have a look! You can find various interesting perspectives through reading them.

Regarding the music composition, the main aim I put was to connect our class project with the local Costa Rican people.

First of all, I needed to feel this tragedy with my heart not my head. Ingmar and Tatiana's pictures helped me to know what really happened to people in Ezucas, and feel how people are suffering from it.  

Then, I extracted some of the essence of the world music that I asked the classmates to send me in advance and synthesise these elements to the basic melody that came from my impression when looking at the pictures. 

Therefore, you may find some parts of the melody sounds like ethnical music with "the 4th and 7th lacking scale" from Icelandic music, "glissando" from French traditionl music, and "tremolo" from Pakistani traditional music. It was also advantage for the cello to play "glissando" and "tremolo" because the cello as an instrument is good at describing these technics. This composition was composed for cello and piano duet, needless to say.

Let me also note technical aspects.
The composition was set as h-moll (B minor). Firstly, 4 bars of motive (A) that came from the impression from the pictures was made, and it was expanded to another 4 bars (A'). Then, in order to transit the tune to D-dur (D major), 7th code was implemented (in this case, it was A7).  2 motives of 4 bars in D-dur were followed (B and B'), and it transitted back to the initial tune: h-moll (A'').

The second part was made for piano, and the cello which played main melody for the first part now becomes the accompaniment for the piano's main melody. Starting with h-moll, it transitted to g-moll. After all, it came back to initial h-moll as the third part of the composition, and had 2 motives of 4 bars (A''' and A''''), it ended with the picardy terminate in order to show the hope at the end.

The flow of the tune was
h-moll (B minor) --> D-dur (D major) -->h-moll (B minor) -->g-moll (G minor) --> h-moll (B minor) --> H-dur (B major)

The flow of the code was

30th Anniversary for University for Peace: 10th December 2010

We were given a chance to play for the 30th Anniversary for University for Peace. This ceremony was particularly dedicated to the school founder: Rodrigo Carazo Odio, who was a former Costa Rican president from 1978 to 1982. He passed away in 2009. (cf:

We were asked to play Latin American music, so what we opted were:
-Libertabgo (Astor Piazzola) 
-Luna Liberiana (Jesus Bomilla) 

As for Libertango, needless to say, Astor Piazzola is famous for Tango composer from Argentine.

Luna Liberiana was composed by a Costa Rican composer called "Jesus Bomilla", and what a coincidence, 2010 was the 75th anniversary after it was composed.

Someone at the ceremony told me that "Luna Liberiana" is in the heart of Costa Rican people with the memories of summer time when they were young.

It was warm moment that guests for the ceremony joined us to sing when we started playing it, seemed like people were remembering their past times.


Azur Indian's new project for an duo concert: 1st and 3rd December 2010

Midori accompanied four cello students, one violin student and one sax student on her piano on the 1st and 3rd December.

This was the second occasion to implement the new project: supporting music students for their performance.

This concert was performed by outstanding students from Casa de la cultura in Ciudad Colon, and it functions as one of few occasions for students to perform their music ability in public. I was inspired by the students, everyone played very well with the intense concentration, Good job, guys!

If you are looking for more hands for your performance, or need an accompaniment for your performance, please contact us at:

We support you with

Azur Indian's new project in an orchestra concert: 28th November 2010

Supporting music students for their performance at the stage has just been installed as one of Azur Indian's projects, and the concert on the 28th November was the first occasion to put this into practice.

This new project aims supporting youth's performance when they need more hands for their play at the stage.

We provide violin, cello, vocal and piano for this project. It can be used for the help for an orchestra when you simply need more people in your group, piano accompaniment for chamber music when you cannot find a piano accompanist, or vocal support for choir when you need more vocal volume.

The concert on the 28th November was organised by El Centro Cantonal de Cultura de Mora (Mora Cantonal Centre of Culture and there were two youth orchestras playing in this concert. One was Youth Orchestra of Guayabo de Mora, and the other one was Youth Orchestra of Mora Cantonal Centre of Culture.

(Today's programme)

Midori supported the youth orchestra of Mora Cantonal Centre of Culture with the violin as Azur Indian's new project. It was conducted by Sergio Nunes, the directer of Casa de la Cultura of Ciudad Colon, and we played:

1. Theme from the New World (A. Dvorak)
2. Let it be (J. Lennon)
3. Sonidos del Selencio (P. Simon)
4. Popurri brasileno (A. Barraso)
