We are playing for the "Niigata International Film Festival" on the 14th February 2010. It starts at 6:00 pm at Niigata citizen plaza on the 6th floor of Next 21. Please come and join us!
Niigata International Film Festival official site:
2月に行われる「にいがた国際映画祭」の20周年ファン感謝デーで演奏させていただくことになりました。14日(日)18:00からNEXT21 6階の新潟市民プラザです。映画音楽を演奏します。是非お越しくださ~い。
Azur Indian is a piano and cello duo whose musical approach presents a starting point for the discussion of development issues. Like in the picture, we leave a free chair for you to join in the adventures of a Japanese and Honduran who struggle for international development.
Azur Indian Music Project
![My photo](
- Azur Indian
- San Jose, San Jose, Costa Rica
- Welcome to our music for development space where we will try to keep our friends updated on Azur Indian's latests. We also hope to engage actively with other musicians and anyone who is interested in development issues in general to hopefully reach higher grounds. So please, post your comments and share your thoughts with us! Azur Indian(アズール・インディアン)のブログへようこそ!このページでは私たちの活動をご紹介していくほか、音楽に興味がある方、国際協力・開発に興味がある方との交流の場を作っていければと考えています。みなさんの思いやコメントをこの場でぜひ共有してください!
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Christmas concert 9/Dec/09
Thank you for all coming to Azur Indian's christmas concert! We were honoured to have nearly 100 people in the hall!
Our opportunity of performance had been based on invitation we receive from entities, schools and etc, but this event became the first one in which we organised everything: lending the venue, setting the theme of the concert, what we play and show along this theme regarding music and International Understandings, advertisement, selling tickets with the BIG support
from Ms. Ishiyama from Yu's music.
Classical music = serious....
I always wanted to destroy this image of classical music and introduce fun appreciation part to more and more people. I wonder that audiences could feel it from the concert....? I hope so!
For the first piece, we picked Lalo's Cello Concerto 3rd movement. This piece is a memento for Antarqui, he played it for the graduation performance from the Victoriano music school back in Honduras, as well as playing for the audition for the Singapore National Orchestra in April. It has the combination of calmness and agitation, the agitation gives us a great motivation to express the music as mush as possible with energy con fuoco, on the other hand calmness parts encourage us to smooth down the intense part. This is well balanced in terms of combination of both! This is the reason I also like it, but at the same time this is extremely tough piece to play. Therefore, we were discussing whether or not to play it just a minute before the performance!
The followings were "Elegie" by Faure and "The Swan" by San-Saens. These two pieces helped us a lot, these were the most played ones in the past year.
And then, we had Piano Trio featuring with Mr. Hara from Niigata University. He graduated from the department of Education of Niigata University, and pursing his study on the Violin as a researcher in the Niigata University. He is normally quiet but when he says something, it always hits the right point which made me amuse a lot! Needless to say, his skill of Violin is wonderful, it was honoured to play with him. As a trio, we played "Reigen seliger Geister" by Glueck, "Ave Maria" by Schubert, "Salut d'amour" by Elgar.
Here comes my piano solo. The piano solo was something I did after a long time since we were always playing together in this past year. I brought "Arabesque" by Schumann which I had longed for playing for nearly 10 years. I was inspired by this piece at a concert which I went to in 1999, it was played by a pianist Minako Tsuruta who was based in Germany. She was a alumni of my school.
The last repertoires for the first part of the concert ended with "Passacaglia" by the violin and the cello. This was composed by Johan Halvorsen and originally for the violin and the viola. It contains all kind of technique for the string instruments (playing 2 strings at the same time, Staccato(both by fingers and the b0w), Arpeggio, Flagioletto and so forth) with all kinds of tempo from Lento to Allegro. The following link is played by one guy, he plays both the violin and the cello, it's very interesting so have a look!
The latter half of the concert.....
Coincidentally, there was a solo piano concert in the same hall by a prominent Japanese pianist, Hiroko Nakamura. I actually made a phone call to buy the ticket for this concert.... oops! :))
Thanks to those of kind people who came to our concert not to hers..... :) Here, we prepared something special which you can only hear from Azur Indian: "Presentation"! As for myself, I lived in Zimbabwe for two years to teach music, and as for Antarqui, he is from Honduras. So, we introduced these two countries.
As a consequence, the comments that we received after a few days regarding the presentation; "Central America was far away from Japan but I felt like the world is connected!"
"Hey, I became interested in Africa, and I am now watching TV series focusing on African continent every day!"
These comments were indeed important for us and indicate what we achieved; particularly, because our main purpose of this music project is to provide a chance to get to know other countries, regions and areas through our music.
After the presentation, we ended up this concert with Christmas medley and "O holy night" with the vocal. For the Christmas medley, it was arranged like jazz which was imported from the US. The codes and the rhythm were fun to play because they were unexpected (because we do not normally play the jazz!).
In the end, we are very thankful for Ms. Ishiyama who supported us by all means, booking the hall, making pamphlet and posters, selling tickets, organising everything in the hall during the concert.
Moreover, it was warm and wonderful moment to share the music with audiences. Because of these people who constantly support us, we feel Niigata is our home and this is why we can perform here. I cannot help saying thank you for all.
Note: The after-party lasted until 5am!
Entry: Midori
Our opportunity of performance had been based on invitation we receive from entities, schools and etc, but this event became the first one in which we organised everything: lending the venue, setting the theme of the concert, what we play and show along this theme regarding music and International Understandings, advertisement, selling tickets with the BIG support
from Ms. Ishiyama from Yu's music.
Classical music = serious....
I always wanted to destroy this image of classical music and introduce fun appreciation part to more and more people. I wonder that audiences could feel it from the concert....? I hope so!
For the first piece, we picked Lalo's Cello Concerto 3rd movement. This piece is a memento for Antarqui, he played it for the graduation performance from the Victoriano music school back in Honduras, as well as playing for the audition for the Singapore National Orchestra in April. It has the combination of calmness and agitation, the agitation gives us a great motivation to express the music as mush as possible with energy con fuoco, on the other hand calmness parts encourage us to smooth down the intense part. This is well balanced in terms of combination of both! This is the reason I also like it, but at the same time this is extremely tough piece to play. Therefore, we were discussing whether or not to play it just a minute before the performance!
The followings were "Elegie" by Faure and "The Swan" by San-Saens. These two pieces helped us a lot, these were the most played ones in the past year.
And then, we had Piano Trio featuring with Mr. Hara from Niigata University. He graduated from the department of Education of Niigata University, and pursing his study on the Violin as a researcher in the Niigata University. He is normally quiet but when he says something, it always hits the right point which made me amuse a lot! Needless to say, his skill of Violin is wonderful, it was honoured to play with him. As a trio, we played "Reigen seliger Geister" by Glueck, "Ave Maria" by Schubert, "Salut d'amour" by Elgar.
Here comes my piano solo. The piano solo was something I did after a long time since we were always playing together in this past year. I brought "Arabesque" by Schumann which I had longed for playing for nearly 10 years. I was inspired by this piece at a concert which I went to in 1999, it was played by a pianist Minako Tsuruta who was based in Germany. She was a alumni of my school.
The last repertoires for the first part of the concert ended with "Passacaglia" by the violin and the cello. This was composed by Johan Halvorsen and originally for the violin and the viola. It contains all kind of technique for the string instruments (playing 2 strings at the same time, Staccato(both by fingers and the b0w), Arpeggio, Flagioletto and so forth) with all kinds of tempo from Lento to Allegro. The following link is played by one guy, he plays both the violin and the cello, it's very interesting so have a look!
The latter half of the concert.....
Coincidentally, there was a solo piano concert in the same hall by a prominent Japanese pianist, Hiroko Nakamura. I actually made a phone call to buy the ticket for this concert.... oops! :))
Thanks to those of kind people who came to our concert not to hers..... :) Here, we prepared something special which you can only hear from Azur Indian: "Presentation"! As for myself, I lived in Zimbabwe for two years to teach music, and as for Antarqui, he is from Honduras. So, we introduced these two countries.
As a consequence, the comments that we received after a few days regarding the presentation; "Central America was far away from Japan but I felt like the world is connected!"
"Hey, I became interested in Africa, and I am now watching TV series focusing on African continent every day!"
These comments were indeed important for us and indicate what we achieved; particularly, because our main purpose of this music project is to provide a chance to get to know other countries, regions and areas through our music.
After the presentation, we ended up this concert with Christmas medley and "O holy night" with the vocal. For the Christmas medley, it was arranged like jazz which was imported from the US. The codes and the rhythm were fun to play because they were unexpected (because we do not normally play the jazz!).
In the end, we are very thankful for Ms. Ishiyama who supported us by all means, booking the hall, making pamphlet and posters, selling tickets, organising everything in the hall during the concert.
Moreover, it was warm and wonderful moment to share the music with audiences. Because of these people who constantly support us, we feel Niigata is our home and this is why we can perform here. I cannot help saying thank you for all.
Note: The after-party lasted until 5am!
Entry: Midori
まずはLaloのCello concert第3楽章。これはアンタルキが音楽学校の卒業演奏で弾いた曲で、今年オーケストラの入団試験を受けるときにも選んだ曲。とにもかくにも激しさと静けさが混在する曲で、弾いても聞いてもバランスが取れるので、二人とも大好きな曲です。ただ難曲なので、本番直前までやるかやらないかで揉めました(笑)。一番最初に演奏したのも、ある意味賭けでした。思い切ってやってみてよかったです。
そしてトリオ。ここではバイオリンの原さんにも入っていただきました。原さんは新潟大学の教育学部を卒業され現在は研究科で学ばれています。原さんは普段静かな方ですが(私が喋りすぎってのもありますが・・・)、要所要所で的確なコメントや発言をされる方。それがとってもおもしろい!ははは。そして素晴らしい腕の持ち主でもあります。原さんの美しいバイオリンに合わせてこちらもうっとり。GluckのReigen seliger Geister、SchubertのAve Maria、ElgerのSalut d'amour(愛の挨拶)の3曲。
中 村紘子さんではなく、Azur Indianを選択してくださった優しいみなさま!ありがとうございます。そんなみなさまに少しでもお土産を・・・・と思いついたのが、プレゼン。私は日 本人ですが、せっかくホンジュラス人と演奏活動をしているので、海の向こうの、それもあんまりメジャーではない国を身近に感じてもらえればと思いホンジュ ラスとジンバブエ(これは私が2年ほど住んでいた国)の紹介をしました。意外と好評!?
プ レゼンのあとは、クリスマスメドレー。まず歌を歌って(O holy night)、それからアメリカから輸入した楽譜を使用したトリオ。有名どころばかり入ったメドレーでしたが、リズムやコードが意外性でいっぱいの曲でし たが・・・・最後に温かいクリスマスの曲を持ってきたので楽しんで演奏することができました。伝わったかしら・・・・?
最後に・・・・コンサートの企画、運営をいつも支えてくださったYu's musicの石山さん、本当にありがとうございました!
Thanks for the post Mi,
Even though we couldn't work the camera to record the concert that night, here is a little video of us trying to set the camera at the event..
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Practicing at Piano Piano in Nishibori Rosa 西堀ローサPiano Pianoでの練習 25/11/09
今日は、西堀ローサのPiano Pianoさんで練習させてもらいました。このPiano Pianoさんには、ピアノ、ドラム、コントラバスなどがあり、誰でも気軽に入って弾くことができます。持ち込み練習もOK。中には自動販売機があり、食べ物も持って来て食べてもいいんだそうです。で、今日は中華の炒め物を三越で買って食べちゃいました(笑)。
ここを管理されているYU's music planの石山さんのブログ。
練習中には赤ちゃん連れのご夫婦がイスに座って聞いていってくれました。赤ちゃん、チェロの音聞くと、Big smileになるんです!と~~ってもかわいかった♪
練習が終わる頃、Beans trioのみなさんが到着。生憎、歌の田村トリサさんはお仕事であとでの到着とのこと。ちなみにトリサさんとは前のお仕事が関連団体だったので、よくお世話になっていました。英語ペラペラの帰国子女。
Beans trioのみなさんも、コンサートたくさんされているので、行ってみてくださいね♪
ここを管理されているYU's music planの石山さんのブログ。
練習中には赤ちゃん連れのご夫婦がイスに座って聞いていってくれました。赤ちゃん、チェロの音聞くと、Big smileになるんです!と~~ってもかわいかった♪
練習が終わる頃、Beans trioのみなさんが到着。生憎、歌の田村トリサさんはお仕事であとでの到着とのこと。ちなみにトリサさんとは前のお仕事が関連団体だったので、よくお世話になっていました。英語ペラペラの帰国子女。
Beans trioのみなさんも、コンサートたくさんされているので、行ってみてくださいね♪
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Adv: Christmas Concert クリスマスコンサートします!
Advertisement: Christmas Concert!
Venue: Ryutopia Studio A
When: 9th December 2009, Open 18:30, Performance 19:00
Ticket: 1,300 yen
Contact: Midori Kamada, or YU's music Ms. Ishiyama,
In this concert, we play fun christmas pieces, piano solo as well as our favourite classical music. For the special part of this concert, we will show presentation on Honduras and Zimbabwe. We hope that all of those who come can get to know those above countries through music and presentation!
Another special part is that we are inviting guest violin player, Mr. Hara. We are playing piano trio with him.
Please come and join our fun Christmas concert!
YU's music official site:
連絡先:鎌田みどり azur.indian@gmail.comまたは YU's music plan石山さん
お問い合わせはYU's musicの石山さんか、私、鎌田までお気軽にご連絡ください!
Venue: Ryutopia Studio A
When: 9th December 2009, Open 18:30, Performance 19:00
Ticket: 1,300 yen
Contact: Midori Kamada, or YU's music Ms. Ishiyama,
In this concert, we play fun christmas pieces, piano solo as well as our favourite classical music. For the special part of this concert, we will show presentation on Honduras and Zimbabwe. We hope that all of those who come can get to know those above countries through music and presentation!
Another special part is that we are inviting guest violin player, Mr. Hara. We are playing piano trio with him.
Please come and join our fun Christmas concert!
YU's music official site:
連絡先:鎌田みどり azur.indian@gmail.comまたは YU's music plan石山さん
お問い合わせはYU's musicの石山さんか、私、鎌田までお気軽にご連絡ください!
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Our Trade Mark! トレードマーク
The feather represents American Indian which is Antarqui's ancestor. The colour of the feather represents Midori's name in Japanese that means blue green.
On our business card, this feather is actually on the tone of "Mi"(it's double meaning as one is Midori's nickname and the other is the tone of Mi (E in German and English)) on 5 music lines.
On our business card, this feather is actually on the tone of "Mi"(it's double meaning as one is Midori's nickname and the other is the tone of Mi (E in German and English)) on 5 music lines.
Our practise room in Niigata
Our practice room is in somewhere in fact it's right in the centre, 3 stories house. On the first floor, there is a huge music room equipped with the piano (Kawai fluegel), the electric piano, the organ, the cello....countless of music pieces and tectbooks! This room belongs to a lady, Ms. Sawada who is in her 90's and still actively involved in music activity such as conducting choir, teaching the piano lesson, accompanying with the orgen at a church and so on!
What is the connection between her and us.....?
It was on one night in the summer time, one of my friend: Shoko, who worked in Tokyo came back to Niigata. It was after a few months we saw each other last time, so we decided to gather again with some other friends at a Yakitori bar (a Japanese style bar). While we were enjoying Yakitori (grilled chicken), Antarqui and I happened to talk about our music project plan. She looked a little surprised, and told us excitedly that she had a good place for us to practice for free and even lending the cello! That turned to be her parents' house....! And the onwer of the music room was her grandmom.
Since Shoko had to go back to Tokyo soon, we went to visit her parents without her with a bit of anxiety.... simply because we didn't know her parents!
My concern was soon melted, as Shoko's parents warmly welcomed us. Her father presented his cello to Antarqui, and kindly let him play it. How kind he is! If one takes care of a musical instrument, they normally don't want to let others play or even touch it! So, we could feel that he trusted Antarqui. It was also the best coincidence, because we were looking for a real cello at that time since Antarqui only had an electric one and needed a real one for music events.
We played some music for them using newly lent cello and Kawai piano.
Shoko's mom was also very very sweet......she thought we were hungry so prepared some snacks and plus very very good red wine! After all, we drunk all together and chatted until late :))
Entry: Midori
私たちが普段練習をさせていただいているところ・・・・そこは新潟市内にある、とあるお屋敷。そこには90代になられる大御所の音楽の先生がおられ、30 人以上入りそうな音楽室にはグランドピアノ、電子ピアノ、オルガン、チェロ、そして多数の楽譜や音楽関係の書籍・・・・大御所先生は今でも現役でいらし て、合唱指導、指揮、ピアノなどを教えていらっしゃるのです。
What is the connection between her and us.....?
It was on one night in the summer time, one of my friend: Shoko, who worked in Tokyo came back to Niigata. It was after a few months we saw each other last time, so we decided to gather again with some other friends at a Yakitori bar (a Japanese style bar). While we were enjoying Yakitori (grilled chicken), Antarqui and I happened to talk about our music project plan. She looked a little surprised, and told us excitedly that she had a good place for us to practice for free and even lending the cello! That turned to be her parents' house....! And the onwer of the music room was her grandmom.
Since Shoko had to go back to Tokyo soon, we went to visit her parents without her with a bit of anxiety.... simply because we didn't know her parents!
My concern was soon melted, as Shoko's parents warmly welcomed us. Her father presented his cello to Antarqui, and kindly let him play it. How kind he is! If one takes care of a musical instrument, they normally don't want to let others play or even touch it! So, we could feel that he trusted Antarqui. It was also the best coincidence, because we were looking for a real cello at that time since Antarqui only had an electric one and needed a real one for music events.
We played some music for them using newly lent cello and Kawai piano.
Shoko's mom was also very very sweet......she thought we were hungry so prepared some snacks and plus very very good red wine! After all, we drunk all together and chatted until late :))
Entry: Midori
私たちが普段練習をさせていただいているところ・・・・そこは新潟市内にある、とあるお屋敷。そこには90代になられる大御所の音楽の先生がおられ、30 人以上入りそうな音楽室にはグランドピアノ、電子ピアノ、オルガン、チェロ、そして多数の楽譜や音楽関係の書籍・・・・大御所先生は今でも現役でいらし て、合唱指導、指揮、ピアノなどを教えていらっしゃるのです。
Monday, 31 August 2009
Playing at mayfair 22/08/09
Nigata jazz street fes 18 July 2009
2度目のジャズストリートフェスティバルに出演させていただきました。前回、1月の出演時には「ジャズ」の祭典なはずなのに、クラシックとタンゴ・・・?という何だかジャズと関係ないような演奏だったのですが・・・・Frau Evaさんの奥様のお言葉で、好きなものを弾かせていただくことにしたのです。
The first Music project at Ojiya JHS 15 July 2009
This event at a Ojiya JHS is one of our finest moments since this is what Azur Indian is all about! ..Going to a school to do a presentation about developing countries to raise some awareness and at the same time motivate the students about the possibility of working in the developing field as Midori and I presented to them through our experience.
There were about 500 kids in one big gymnasium and the attention they graced us with was unheard of. There was also a publication in the newspaper and the picture is below just in case you wish to do more reading about the event.
Some of the works played at that time:
3.mario brothers
If only I knew that there would be a picture of us in the newspaper I would have worn something a little more formal, since at that time I was wearing the Honduran national soccer t-shirt. As usual Midori San is cut off from the picture..
Don't worry Mi, "Los ultimos seran los primeros". A little bit of spanish for you to start practicing for your stay in Costa Rica.
There were about 500 kids in one big gymnasium and the attention they graced us with was unheard of. There was also a publication in the newspaper and the picture is below just in case you wish to do more reading about the event.
Some of the works played at that time:
3.mario brothers
If only I knew that there would be a picture of us in the newspaper I would have worn something a little more formal, since at that time I was wearing the Honduran national soccer t-shirt. As usual Midori San is cut off from the picture..
Don't worry Mi, "Los ultimos seran los primeros". A little bit of spanish for you to start practicing for your stay in Costa Rica.
Playing on sado ferry: 04 July 2009
This was a new and exciting opportunity to play, because it was on the ferry! I first wondered how and where in the ferry we play.....? if there is a piano....? Whom we play for?
Since there was no piano on the ferry, we had to fetch my electric piano on the previous day. Then, following morning (it was early!), we moved to Sado ferry terminal, and started to settle our instruments on the stage.
Later on, passengers started to getting into the ferry, our excitement got higher... Coincidentally, we bumped into our friends going to Sado for the weekends!!
Since there was no piano on the ferry, we had to fetch my electric piano on the previous day. Then, following morning (it was early!), we moved to Sado ferry terminal, and started to settle our instruments on the stage.
Later on, passengers started to getting into the ferry, our excitement got higher... Coincidentally, we bumped into our friends going to Sado for the weekends!!
The music played:
2.sicilienne raise me up
Open Mic played with Tim Harada 08 June 2009
Hello again!
This time for another Open Mic small session..
Tim plays the guitar and sings, and he asked me to join him with the cello.
We played Zombie and others, including a song from Tim.
I really enjoy playing with guitar!!
The thing is that, as you would have it, the open mic atmosphere got to us that night and without rehearsal as Midori and I are used to, we played some tunes with Tim afterwards..
Also that night was the first time for Ricardo (from Brazil) to join at Open Mic, so I jumped in at the chance and played with him, and Maria joined in too..
It was a really great night, and I was so glad to have had the chance to play many times at an amateur night event.. Hope things don't change in this sense since it's starting to get a little crowded..
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Plyaing at a wedding at tokiwa kaikan: 30 May 2009
最初にyou raise me up。アンタルキのチェロを歌とピアノ用と一緒に弾けるように編曲しています。この曲の高さがちょうど私の声の高さにはまり、歌っていて入り込める曲です。歌詞もいいですしね。
次はtop of the world。言わずと知れたCarpenter'sの代表作。
最初にyou raise me up。アンタルキのチェロを歌とピアノ用と一緒に弾けるように編曲しています。この曲の高さがちょうど私の声の高さにはまり、歌っていて入り込める曲です。歌詞もいいですしね。
次はtop of the world。言わずと知れたCarpenter'sの代表作。
Playing at silver hotel bandai lounge 27 May 2009
This was quite an opportunity to test our ability to get people together for this presentation.
Fortunately enough the place was filled and we had a blast with this event since, most of the people who showed up were friends and coworkers and students..
I thank everybody that showed up at that time for the event.. Facebook can work wonders for invitations..
The list this time looked a little like this:
6.melodie raise me up
12.time to say good bye
Entry: AJ
Azur Indian concert 16 May 2009
Playing at the Tokiwa kaikan at a dinner party: 15 April 2009
This place brings back many memories since it was the turning poin
The selection we decided to play was:
8.air on g
They treated us to a course meal as well which was really good..
It's funny because this time at the end of the presentation I received a 10,000 yen tip from one of the customers who afterwards had a talk with and by coincidence he talked about some products he imports back from Honduras. The coincidence in that he!?
At a kindergarden: 03 February 2009
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Niigata jazz street festival: 24 January 2009
Jazz Street Festival. This was a really cool experience..
We ventured into
this event due to an invitation from Frau Eva, which is a cozy little restaurant at the end of furumachi mall 6, where they have some of the best draft German beer ever!!
Here's a link that shows a little more about the place and the cuisine..
Also here's another link for the Jiji Press news-article where they talk about the event:
Since we didn't have that much space to play, we where practically one with the public.. I remember having to excuse myself for poking the customer's beers with my bow, and having the customers watching my music score and nodding in approval.. son funny!!
This was a performance for 2 hours, which took a lot out of us.. but it was worth it just by looking at the people's reaction, particularly when playing Libertango from Astor Piazzolla, which is a renowned piece that goes well with an ensemble group, but when playing it with piano and cello, there are many melodies we have to put together into a duet which makes it interesting..
This one is definitely one for the books!
Entry: AJ
We ventured into
Here's a link that shows a little more about the place and the cuisine..
Also here's another link for the Jiji Press news-article where they talk about the event:
Since we didn't have that much space to play, we where practically one with the public.. I remember having to excuse myself for poking the customer's beers with my bow, and having the customers watching my music score and nodding in approval.. son funny!!
This was a performance for 2 hours, which took a lot out of us.. but it was worth it just by looking at the people's reaction, particularly when playing Libertango from Astor Piazzolla, which is a renowned piece that goes well with an ensemble group, but when playing it with piano and cello, there are many melodies we have to put together into a duet which makes it interesting..
This one is definitely one for the books!
Entry: AJ
Friday, 28 August 2009
An Italian Restaurant; Sabatini in Nagaoka: 27 Novermber 2008
今回このお仕事を紹介していただいたYu's music plan石山祐子さんのブログにも、私たちの紹介をしていただきましたー!
Open Mic@Gioia mia: 06 October 2008
2008年10月6日、Open micに出ました。このイベントは新潟市古町にあるGioia mia(ジョイアミア)さんというレストランで、毎月第1月曜日に行われているもの。音楽好きが集まって演奏、それをまた音楽好きが集まって聞く・・・というもの。出演者&お客さんには外国籍の方も多く、かなり国際色豊かです。自分たちの知り合いだけではなく一般のお客さんの前での初めての演奏・・・ドキドキ。
Open micのこと:
Open micのこと:
First time as Azur Indian: 21 September 2008
It feels strange to write this now, since this event occurred a year ago, but in the hopes of bringing you up to speed into what we have done in our year together as Azur Indian
(AI), we wanted to include some important events up to today (Aug. 28th 2009) even though the date for this entry is presented on the day the event happened (Sept.21st 2008), to maintain a chronological order.
This was actually the first time we played as AI in a goodbye party for Carolyn and Alexi (Panama-jin=Panaman) a year ago. It was really nice to play with friends!! Alexi, Paulo, Martyn and Kazu shared the stage that day, ohh and Diego (Alexi's kid) was also playing the shakers from time to time..![]('s+goodbye+sept08.jpg)
It was awesome to have Alexi's percussion for the libertango arrangement.
Such a memorable moment!!
Dinner was awesome and the time to say goodbye was overwhelming, since they included a speech about the trials of their lives in Japan, which made everyone's throat swallow a big gulp!
Here are some more pics from that day..
Entry: AJ
This was actually the first time we played as AI in a goodbye party for Carolyn and Alexi (Panama-jin=Panaman) a year ago. It was really nice to play with friends!! Alexi, Paulo, Martyn and Kazu shared the stage that day, ohh and Diego (Alexi's kid) was also playing the shakers from time to time..
It was awesome to have Alexi's percussion for the libertango arrangement.
Such a memorable moment!!
Dinner was awesome and the time to say goodbye was overwhelming, since they included a speech about the trials of their lives in Japan, which made everyone's throat swallow a big gulp!
Here are some more pics from that day..
Entry: AJ
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